
    Walking is of course the first thing you do when you walk into the ring, so this is an essential step in showmanship. There is first prepping you, and prepping you lamb for show, but I will talk about that later. First: Alignment. Always stay at you lambs shoulder. You will be switch sides for the judge, but always while walking, stay at the lambs shoulder. It doesn't matter but keep you inside leg in tune with the lambs leg closest to you so you don't trip on their legs and make them dirty. Whenever you show, the lamb will be in between you and the judge; even though in showmanship classes its about you. Say you are going clockwise around the arena. Your left hand will be placed on their jaw while your right hand is pinching behind their ears to keep them moving. And vice versa going counter clockwise. Sometimes it may be hard to keep your eyes up while trying to keep your feet and your lambs hooves in tune. Besides, this isn't essential. It's just something you can work on and it will be automatic for you when you show. But always ALWAYS keep your eyes on the judge even if he isn't looking at you. Whe he or she comes to see your lamb, smile and call them ma'm and sir. If there is any time in the world to be polite, this is the time. Think about it, they have been looking at lambs all day and are tired of it; try to make their day better. Impress the judge as much as possible. Even though it's all smiles when he looks at your lamb, when your walking, be serious. Maintain eye contact nonstop. This may be so stupid, but if you have ever seen the movie "Twilight," and how Edward stares at Bella, stare like that to your judge. I have no idea why I am bringing this up, I hate Twilight anyways. But don't stare at the judge like you want to suck on his or her blood; try to hold their gaze like crazy. Even though this may be creepy, they are looking for someone who seeks the judges attention and approval. This will catch their eye and think,"this kid wants my attention, this kid wants to win." 

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