
    Over the next couple days, I'll go over the do's and don'ts of training. The most important thing you can do id to halter break them. This is very very crucial in just about everything you do. Do this a ton!! I can't tell you enough. But with a lot of dedication, haltering should be no big deal. Don't think that it's bad if your lamb runs away when you try to catch him, it's just flight instincts. Also, when a lamb goes through something traumatic, they will get attached to you. For instance, my lamb Springsteen ripped off his ear tag and had cartilage and skin hanging off. He had to get stitches today and thats what really made it click between us. Of course, don't intently do something of this nature to your lamb so he will get attached to you. DON'T DO THAT. This may sound stupid, but I read and sang to my lambs. Get attached to your lambs as much as possible even though it will be hard when they go off to the butcher. I already have Springsteen to the point where he will stand next to me when I'm sitting down, (no halter) and lets me stroke his neck. They are heard animals, so they will think of you as one of them. Really get them to trust you and that will in turn bring good haltering skills. Trust me, it works. Now I'm not saying this will happen over night, but sing and read to them everyday and they will love you within about a week. The video only talks about the need to train your lamb in halter. But another way to get them to trust you is to kay down in their stall. Get lower then they are so they feel powerful. When we stand, we are bigger and more intimidating. Lay down, sing, and let them nibble on your boots and smell your hair. This helps immensely in haltering because they can trust that you won't put them in danger.

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