Prepping your Lamb

    Clean. Clean, clean, clean; I can't tell you enough. When you go to fair, wash your lamb everyday like you always do. Bring your own stand and wash them on that, and bring a long hose. Just place your stand outside and maybe even chain it to a post or something. Just in case... Hook up the hose and wash from there. Wash at least two hours before the show so you have time to get ready. Some people only shear their lamb twice in their whole raising career. I shear about four times. They shear their lambs at fair; save the stress. And stress will cause them to loose weight. Try to keep your lamb as big and as muscular because big is what sells. Save your lambs as much stress as possible. When prepping, bring a round brush and fluff out their black legs. Make sure that there are no shavings on him or anything.


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