Daily Care

Daily Care

Daily Care
    Lets review a little bit about daily care. You can see the photos of both my lambs, Springsteen and Silverado. You may be thinking,"What the heck? Why are they wearing blankets??" But please don't jump to conclusions. The reason they wear blankets is to keep their skin soft and supple. Everyday you will exercise ad that is the only time you take blankets on. Everday after you exercise them, you will wash them. So basically they will bathe everyday. Use wash that is used by racehorses. Again, you are building an athlete.  Racehorses are in fact athletes, so... This is another kind of athlete. Get the kind that you can hook up a hose to, turn a switch, and just spray them down. Don't take an hour out of your day to get down and dirty. This should only take three minutes tops. Don't scrape all the water off; scrape lightly and leave the soap on. DO NOT rinse. Make sure that what your using is moisturizing soap. On the last picture, you can see what brand on grain I use. I use Purina Honor Show Chow LAMB GROWER. There are many different types offered by Honor Show Chow. Always use this because this is what is used to start out lambs. Most people stop this grower, don't. You want to constantly be building muscle on your lamb. Now watch how much intake of grain they eat. Some are pigs, and some are picky eaters. Silverado practically eats everything while Springsteen only eats the pellets instead of the corn. Do this to make sure they aren't gaining to much weight. Also watch the water. Don't worry to much about this until about four to three
weeks until your fair. Only let them drink up to 3/4 of a small bucket a day. If you don't, this will cause a water belly. Then put two spoon fulls of Electrodex. (Electrolytes.) This again will cause them to drink a lot of water and be hydrated. To avoid a hay belly, only give a big hand-full of hay morning and night to each lamb. Start this at about a month to two months before your fair. Later you will start Champion Drive, but we'll talk about that later. PULL the straw from your lambs stall. When the get board, they will eat the straw and get hay bellies. PULL THE STRAW only about two weeks after receiving your lamb.
    If your thinking I'm completely insane about all of what I talk about, just remember that you are building and athlete. A Champion. Literally treat your lamb like a Triple Crown Winner.

If you have two lambs, feed them separately. 

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