Shearing may seem fun, until you get and hour into it and you still have another lamb to do. First, bathe your lamb. Now this may seem weird, but use body wash that is used by racehorses. I'll get a little deeper into why this is later in the post... No body wants to shear a dirty, greasy lamb! This is essential. But before you shear, wait about a month after getting your lamb(s). Before this, truly work at touching him all over so he's used to you. When prepping shears, always make sure that they are clean. But later that doesn't matter because you'll be using WD Forty to keep the shears running properly. Once this is good, put your lamb on the stand. It's a wise decision to shear when the lamb is still wet. Necessities Needed;
~WD Forty
~Livestock Cuts Healer
Once you start shearing, always go against where the hair. Like when you brush a horse, you go with the way the hair naturally goes. It may be confusing, but go toward his neck/up. Do this as much as possible. Also, keep the cut cream handy because anybody that has ever sheared a lamb, (even experts) have broken skin. When shearing legs, go down to where the leg begins to turn black. Large, puffy legs look better to me personally. Remember to let the shears cool off every now and then because the shears get really hot. The hot of the shears can burn their skin. Once this process is done with, wash them again or they will smell like WD Forty.
Now back to the racehorse stuff. At every fair, there is the "carcass contest." They find the winner by the quality of meat. Then there is the Grand Champion Market Lamb. These are two very different things. You can't get the best of both. Good meat has a little bit of fat on it, but not when showing. Muscles is what wins. You are literally building an ATHLETE. Do this by using racehorse products. But do not inject you lamb with steroids! Only inject your lamb with proper vitamins such as vitamin C. Then use racehorse body wash. When the judge touches your lamb and feels how soft it is, he will think,"wow, this lamb has been taken care of." Also use flavored electrolytes. This is what is used in Gatorade to make athletes very VERY thirsty. This causes them to drink and drink and drink. When lambs do this, they drink a lot more water and stay very hydrated and healthy. Put this into water and food. But a more expensive way to look at it is use actual gatorade. But monitor their drinking because a deep gut is the last thing thats wanted.
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