This is what makes you win... This is when they flex their muscles. Train your lamb to lean into you by tapping his chest with your leg hard. This should and will be a trigger to push forward. But when the judge isn't watching, lay off. Don't ware him out. GET LOW and bring him up with your whole body. Also, hold his ears in an up position. So the tips of their ears are pointed to the sky or ceiling. When and if he relaxes, (don't get me wrong, they can. Just flex like no tomorrow when the judge is looking.) his back may go down. Simple fix the problem by tickling under their belly to bring their back up. Match your legs to his body; become one with your lamb. Say your on his left side, match your left leg to the front of his body and get low. Then your right thigh need to be supporting the weight of him pushing into you. Basically, push your thigh into his left armpit. (haha...) But everything else of your right leg can stand out to help you support yourself. Believe me, this hurts like heck when your first start. Get ready for soar legs.
Follow this video, but just get lower then he is...
Since the lamb resists, if your lambs does, put them
on a slanted, elevated shearing stand.
After about two minutes of bracing the first time, your legs will feel like spaghetti. A good way to keep your lamb from moving from your grasp is to brace on an elevated shearing stand. They will soon learn that when you do this, if you the move more the three inches, the fall a foot. Prop up the front of the stand so its at a slant. This will cause him to freak out and think he's going to fall off backwards. so he will push up, into you. When showing, to relax their muscle, (and yours!) just simply stand with whatever leg it is lightly against his chest. Bt be ready to jump back into action; it takes a judge two seconds to turn around. So be on guard.
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